December 8, 2011, Grand Hotel Europe hosted Arctic - territory of friendship and cooperation Conference. FRESHEXPO performed works fortechnical support, multimedia and floral design for the event.

FRESHEXPO company services
FRESHEXPO offers services in designing and building show stands in Russia and abroad, as well as organizing business trips and corporate events.
FRESHEXPO company provides design and construction of exclusive exhibition stands in Russia and CIS countries, in Middle East, in Asia, in Europe, in North and Latin America.
We also offer advertising polygraphy and promo gifts to exhibition needs!
WPC 2011, the 20th World Petroleum Council and Exposition, took place in Doha, Qatar
December 4–8, the capital of Qatar became venue for the 20th World Petroleum Council and Exposition. FRESHEXPO organized a business trip for the delegation headed by the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Sergei Shmatko and arranged participation in the Exposition for JSC Zarubezhneft, including the design and decoration of a show stand.
Moscow Open Boat Racing Championship on Rowing Machines
December 3–4, 2011, a competition in boat racing on ergometers took place on the rowing channel in Krylatskoye. Among other companies FRESHEXPO became partner of this event.
Brandbook for LLC Neftegazmontazhservis
FRESHEXPO developed a brandbook for LLC Neftegazmontazhservis.Brandbook is an official descriprion of the essence and values of a brand, it is a form of self-identification for a company and it also defines forms and methods of expressing such values for employees and customers.
FOOD SHOW 2011, the 5th Gastronomical Festival, took place in Moscow, Russia
В период с 25 по 27 ноября 2011 года, в здании Московского Гостиного Двора, прошел 5-ый Гастрономический фестиваль «Food Show 2011», главной темой которого стали Рождественские кулинарные традиции.
Компанией ООО «ФРЕШЭКСПО» был разработан дизайн-проект и оформлен стенд для телеканала «Кухня ТВ».
Angel 2011 - Charitable Photo Project
FRESHEXPO is taking part in a Charitable Photo Project «Angel 2011».
This project is aimed to help kids with cancer. In terms of this project we designed and printed a 2012-2013 calendar «Yoga with love».
Oil & Gas of Turkmenistan 2011, the 16th International Exposition, took place in Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan
November 15–17, 2011, the National Exhibition Centre of Turkmenistan Sergi kosgi hosted the 16th International Exhibition OGT 2011. FRESHEXPO arranged participation in this exhibition and rendered a complete package of support services to the Malaysian delegation.
Oil, Gas, Infrastructure of Mangistau 2011 - the 6th Kazakhstan Regional Exhibition in Aktau, Kazakhstan
During November 1–3, Grand Nur Plaza Hotel & Convention Centre in the city of Aktau was the venue for the 6th Kazakhstan Regional Exhibition Oil, Gas, Infrastructure of Mangistau 2011. FRESHEXPO developed and successfully realized a design project of a stand for Research and Production Enterprise BURINTECH. The Stand for Research and Production Enterprise BURINTECH was rewarded with a prize for the Best Design.
15th International Oil and Gas Forum 2011 in Kiev, Ukraine
November 1, 2011 saw the opening of the 15th International Oil and Gas Forum 2011 in Kiev. Freshexpo developed and successfully realized a design project of a stand for JSC «Blagoveschensk Valves Plant».
Vietnam Oil and Gas Expo 2011, the 9th International Exhibition, took place in Hanoi, Vietnam
October 27–29, 2011, the city of Hanoi became the venue for the international exhibition of Oil and Gas industry of Vietnam. FRESHEXPO developed and successfully realized design projects for JSC Zarubezhneft, JSC VNIIneft, OJSC Giprovostokneft, JV «LLC Rusvietpetro».