Over 300 companies will take part in the International Exhibition and Conference «Caspian Oil & Gas», which is opening today, on 2 June, 2015, at Baku Expocentre. The exposition will settle at three pavilions of Baku Expocentre and on the open-air exhibition space.

FRESHEXPO company services
FRESHEXPO offers services in designing and building show stands in Russia and abroad, as well as organizing business trips and corporate events.
FRESHEXPO company provides design and construction of exclusive exhibition stands in Russia and CIS countries, in Middle East, in Asia, in Europe, in North and Latin America.
We also offer advertising polygraphy and promo gifts to exhibition needs!
The Prospects of Russia’s Machine Tool Design and Construction at Metalloobrabotka International Exhibition at Expocentre
25 May, 2015, Moscow — Expocentre saw the opening of METALLOOBRABOTKA Exhibition which will present innovation equipment, instruments and tools for metal-working industry from 940 domestic and foreign manufacturers from 32 countries. FRESHEXPO specialists successfully executed a 266.00 sq.m exhibition stand for Robur International and Salvagnini.
In India takes place the largest exhibition for power sector POWER-GEN India & Central Asia 2015
Challenges and plans for the development of Indian power sector will be discussed at the exhibition and conference POWER-GEN India & Central Asia-2015, which is held on 14–16 May, 2015.
The exhibition contractors have planned participation of over 260 domestic and foreign companies from 40 countries.
Oil & Gas Exhibition OGU-2015 and Power Uzbekistan for the energy sector — started in Tashkent
In 2015, Uzbekistan is celebrating 130 years since the beginning of commercial production of oil. And today, on 12 May, 2015, specialists will be telling guests of the Oil & Gas Exhibition OGU-2015 and Power Uzbekistan about the progress in realizing the country’s Oil & Gas sector development program until 2030.
First priority projects for the development of Oil, Gas and Petrochemical industry will be presented at IRANOILSHOW-2015
6 May, 2015, Tehran — Today, starts the 20th International Oil, Gas, Refining & Petrochemical Exhibition IRANOILSHOW.
FRESHEXPO arranged participation in this event for PJSC «Sumy
Frunze NPO» and Gas Turbine Research & Production Complex
Best technologies for transporting cargo and prospects for the transport and logistics sector at TransRussia 2015 in Crocus Expo
From 21–24 April, the 20th anniversary International Exhibition for Transport and Logistics Services and Technologies «TRANSRUSSIA» will take place at Moscow’s Crocus Expo. It is currently the largest trade event on transport and logistics in Eastern Europe.
The Most Promising Mining Equipment at MiningWorld Russia Exhibition in Moscow
On 21–23 April, 2015, at Crocus Expo IEC takes place the 19th International exhibition of technologies and equipment for mining and processing of minerals «MiningWorld Russia». This year 235 companies from 22 countries are taking part in the exhibition.
Open in Moscow — International Energy Forum «Russian Energy and Fuel Complex in the XXI century»
On 20–21 April, 2015, at the Сomplex of office buildings of the Government of Moscow, takes place the XIII Moscow International Energy Forum «Russian Energy and Fuel Complex in the XXI century». The main topic of the Forum in 2015 is «Structural modernization of national economy: new role of the Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia».
HannoverMesse 2015: Robots and Smart Management Systems
The world-largest industrial exhibition HannoverMesse is held every year in April. In 2015, the trade fair brought together in Hannover as many as 6500 representatives of companies from 70 countries.
The focus of expositions at HannoverMesse is not on the theoretical findings, but on the practical implementation of innovation solutions in industrial automation for manufacturing.
Key projects and operators' plans will be discussed at Atyrau Oil and Gas Exhibition
On 14 April, 14th North Caspian Regional Atyrau Oil & Gas Exhibition and Conference is being held at Atyrau Sports Complex in Kazakhstan. In 2015 the show presents over 85 companies from Austria, Azerbaijan, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Kazakhstan, Canada, China, Netherlands, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Switzerland and USA.