Year in year out, this event attracts industry specialists from all over the world not only with its unique exhibition of innovative equipment, but also with the opportunity to conduct business meetings and build mutually beneficial contacts among the key raw material suppliers (rubbers, additives, modifiers, filling materials), intermediate and semi-processed product manufacturers, developers of technologies and off-the-shelf equipment, manufacturers of specialized software, and service specialists.
This year, COMPOSITES EUROPE expects 11 thousand visitors from a total of 60 nations. As many as 470 companies from 30 countries are ready to showcase their products. United national pavilions were organized for representatives of Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, USA, and North Rhine-Westphalia, the region in Germany, where the exhibition takes place.
FRESHEXPO specialists provided a range of services for organizing participation in this even for federal state unitary enterprise «The P. I. Baranov Central Institute of Aviation Motors». For our Client, we booked and designed an exhibition stand, provided hotel assignment, took on ourselves the visa formalities for delegates of the Institution, and transported the exhibition cargo to the venue.
Modern composite technologies allow to develop materials with a desired set of characteristics that are necessary for creating unique constructions in Automotive and Aerospace industries, and in various types of transport including sea vessels that are put under extreme loads in the seas and oceans around the globe. Composite technologies are used in construction, city development and urban functionalities. They increase the resistance of buildings to wear and damage as a result of accidents and natural disasters. These technologies also find an application in Power Engineering, especially in Wind Energy and for the development of natural resources in rugged conditions – onshore and offshore at great depths. Composites have found their way in Medical and Chemical industries, Machine Building, Engineering, Electronics, Consumer Products, and Leisure.
Exhibits of the COMPOSITES EUROPE are highly-competitive solutions for various branches of industry, and the target audience of the event is aimed at implementing «the developments of the future» in the practical work of their enterprises back at home.
COMPOSITES EUROPE-2016 offers an integrated business program and special projects:
- The 2nd International Composites Congress will focus on the question «Composites — on the Path to Become a Key Industry?», international experts will discuss the current situation in Europe and Japan, and ways to implement innovations in mass production, etc.
- Samples of ready-made equipment will be presented in action at the special area — COMPOSITES Forum.
- In the new special area, the Lightweight Technologies Forum, experts will present the latest hybrid materials and real-world experiences with issues revolving around material composites in the Automotive, Aerospace, and Architecture segments.
- Product Demonstration Area at COMPOSITES EUROPE-2016 Exhibition will be of interest to all those who wish to check all the announced characteristics of exponents’ products by visual demonstration.
- The Institute of Plastics Processing together with its partners of the RWTH Aachen University will present composite developments and highlights under the headline «Resource efficiency for increased profitability» at the special area — «Industry meets Science». Here, innovative developments of Industry 4.0, Additive Manufacturing and Hybrid Lightweight will be presented to the visitor.
- Innovative graphene applications in composites will be discussed in the Graphene Flagship Connect Workshop.
- Composites solutions in the wind energy industry will be covered in a number of lectures and technical tours.
- As a tradition, COMPOSITES EUROPE-2016 is offering a complimentary MATCHMAKING service to all visitors and exhibitors, allowing you to find and arrange meetings with key contacts prior to the event. A powerful tool that can help you make the most of your time at COMPOSITES EUROPE 2016.
All the events on the program will be over by Thursday, 1 December.
The COMPOSITES EUROPE exhibition takes place annually, alternating between Dusseldorf and Stuttgart and is thereby hosted by two important industrial locations.
Next year, the event is planned for 19–21 September.
Trade Shows by Theme: Shipbuilding, Marine, Port and Navy, Building and Construction, Transport and Logistics, Chemistry and Materials

TVEMA Exhibition stand at INNOTRANS 2016
Custom build Exhibition Stands

Exhibition Stand at METALLOOBRABOTKA 2016
Custom build Exhibition Stands

Exhibition Stand at Gas. Oil. New Technologies – for Extreme North-2016
Custom build Exhibition Stands