A unique feature of this stand is a light-weight structural element with extraordinary shape and appearance made of stretch fabric and ambient lighting. Gradual lighting provides an inviting atmosphere and liveliness of the stand that makes it even more eye-catching for visitors. The stand includes an open area for business negotiations comprised of a room with sofas and a large space with comfortable furniture. Enclosed meeting room is decorated with graphic art drawings and floral arrangement inspired by the stand’s look.
«Russian representative office of «Fiera Milano» deeply appreciates FRESHEXPO specialists’ professional work on exhibition stand design project and its realization at the Days of Milan in Moscow that were held in TsUM. We are also grateful for attentive support during the event. We wish you further success, many interesting projects, and prosperity.»
Fiera Milano about cooperation at Days of Milan in Moscow
«Mistral trading LLC express sincere gratitude to you and your team for the work performed on construction of the exhibition stand for METRO EXPO 2018 held in Moscow, March 21-23. The FRESHEXPO experts proved their expertise, responsibility and client-oriented approach when creating and bringing the project into reality.»
Mistral about cooperation at METRO EXPO-2018 in Moscow
«Mistral trading LLC express sincere gratitude to you and your team for the work performed on construction of the exhibition stand for PRODEXPO 2018 held in Moscow, February 05 - 09. The FRESHEXPO experts proved their expertise, responsibility and client-oriented approach when creating and bringing the project into reality.»
Mistral about cooperation at PRODEXPO-2018 in Moscow
«I would like to express our gratitude to you and everyone in the FRESHEXPO team for fruitful cooperation while preparing and conducting exhibition activities in the framework of the XIth International Trade Fair for Transport Technology «INNOTRANS 2016». Our special thanks go to your designers! Within the shortest time period they developed our design project, which was later successfully realized.»
TVEMA about cooperation at INNOTRANS-2016 in Berlin
«We express our grateful acknowledgment to FRESHEXPO team for constructing our exhibition stand at ROS-GAS-EXPO-2014 exhibition. We wish you lots of success and good luck in achieving your goals.»
Tyazhpromarmatura about cooperation at ROS-GAS-EXPO-2014 exhibition
«We express our appreciation to FRESHEXPO team for constructing our exhibition stand at the International Uzbekistan Oil & Gas Exhibition (OGU 2014). We hope to keep this business relationship and continue the mutually beneficial cooperation. We wish you successful development and more business achievements.»
Tyazhpromarmatura about cooperation at OGU-2014 exhibition
«TEGAS Industrial Group expresses its appreciation to FRESHEXPO team for the successful organization of our exposition at the 22nd Kazakhstan International Oil & Gas Exhibition KIOGE-2014 held in Almaty, Kazakhstan. At every stage of preparation for the event FRESHEXPO demonstrated high level of professionalism and seamless well coordinated work during the construction of our exhibition stand. With this well organized exposition TEGAS had an opportunity to properly present its achievements and attractive projects at the highest level.»
TEGAS about cooperation at KIOGE-2014
«FRESHEXPO specialists, namely Yulia Baranova and Faina Televich have a very responsible and professional attitude to their work. They helped us choose the right form of participation in the event, were very attentive while working on the design and furniture, took into account every single detail. We wish to say special thanks to designer Faina Televich for her responsible attitude to the project and agreeing every detail and exhibit. As a result, we liked our bespoke exhibition stand. It was a great job in full accordance with the agreed project. Considerate and attentive attitude to us as customer company continued every minute of the exhibition period, all issues were solved in the regular course of work. We liked everything, thank you.»
Generation Industrial Group about cooperation at KIOGE-2014 exhibition
«On behalf of «Vagonmash» LLC, its CEO Alexander Andreyev expresses deep gratitude for your work on our exhibition stand at the 13th international exhibition «Transport, Transit and Logistics / TRANSCASPIAN-2014», which took place in Baku (Azerbaijan) on 12–14 June, 2014. All works were carried out with high quality and in timely manner, which speaks for FRESHEXPO professionalism. It was a pleasure for our company to work with you. We hope for further long-term and fruitful cooperation!»
Vagonmash about cooperation at TRANSCASPIAN-2014 exhibition
«On behalf of BT SVAP LLC, I would like to express our profound gratitude to FRESHEXPO team for the construction of our exhibition stand at the 22nd Kazakhstan International Oil & Gas Exhibition KIOGE-2014, Almaty, Kazakhstan. During the preparation and realization of the project FRESHEXPO specialists showed high professionalism, responsibility and focus on customer. We wish your company prosperity and hope to work with you as partner in new projects.»
SVAP about cooperation at KIOGE-2014 exhibition
«FRESHEXPO developed a design project of an exhibition stand for IPS Group BV for KIOGE-2014 exhibition held in Almaty. Over the whole time of our cooperation, FRESHEXPO has proved itself to be a reliable partner carrying out all contractual obligations. The ability of FRESHEXPO team to solve issues of the hour quickly and efficiently allows us to recommend this company as a highly-professional and trustworthy partner.»
IPS GROUP BV about cooperation at KIOGE-2014 exhibition
«It was thanks to the high professionalism and extensive business contacts of FRESHEXPO team that Ivchenko-Progress SE scored a great success at the international Oil & Gas exhibitions in Beijing (CIPPE-2013), Atyrau («Atyrau Oil & Gas and Infrastructure 2013»), Tashkent (OGU-2013), and Ashgabat (OGT-2013 and OGT-2014). FRESHEXPO already has a reputation of a reliable and good faith business partner. FRESHEXPO provides all exhibition services with high quality and always in timely manner.»
Ivchenko-Progress about cooperation at CIPPE, OGT, and OGU exhibitions
«Sibmost OJSC is grateful to you for developing the design project of our exhibition stand and constructing it at the largest industrial forum «Transport of Russia-2013», which took place in Moscow on 5–7 December, 2013. We are thankful to FRESHEXPO for your creative approach and perfect understanding of our design targets set at the stage of developing the project, as well as while planning and constructing the exhibition stand. »
Sibmost about cooperation at the International Exhibition Transport of Russia-2013
«Robur International Group expresses gratitude to FRESHEXPO team for professional development of our exhibition stand design project and its construction at Metalloobrabotka-2015, as well as for providing continuous support during the whole time of the trade fair. Our bespoke exhibition stand was very convenient and attracted a lot of attention from participants at the exhibition. We are grateful for your responsible and dutiful attitude and comprehension and for the good working contacts between our firms. We are delighted with your qualified, professional and responsible staff who were timely solving any and all arising issues and responded to our wishes.»
ROBUR INTERNATIONAL about cooperation at Metalloobrabotka-2015
«JSC Stock Company OZNA is grateful to FRESHEXPO for the continuous and mutually beneficial cooperation. FRESHEXPO has proved to be a reliable Partner and showed high professionalism in developing concepts for the construction of corporate exhibition stands for OZNA Holding at international Oil & Gas exhibitions in Moscow and Almaty (Kazakhstan). We express our appreciation for individual attention to our needs and well-organized process of interaction. Any issues we had were solved quickly and efficiently. We wish you successful development and new victories in business!»
OZNA about cooperation at exhibitions in Moscow and Almaty
«On behalf of European Bearing Corporation I would like to express our profound gratitude to FRESHEXPO team for preparation and execution of works for the turn-key construction of our bespoke exhibition stand at the V Anniversary International Fair of Railway Equipment and Technologies EXPO 1520, which took place in Moscow, Shcherbinka. It was thanks to your high professionalism, creativity, and well coordinated work of your team that our stand received the highest appraisal of the Organizing Committee. We were impressed with your creative approach, endurance, perseverance, and desire to meet all the Client’s expectations. The project you executed for our company without any words speaks for your high professional skills. »
European Bearing Corporation about cooperation at the EXPO 1520 exhibition
«Vagonmash LLC in the person of its CEO Alexander Andreyev would like to express grateful acknowledgment for all your work on our exhibition stand design project and its construction at the V Anniversary International Fair of Railway Equipment and Technologies EXPO 1520, which took place on the test loop of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Railway Transport in Shcherbinka on 2-5 September, 2015. All the works were executed with high quality and in timely manner, which proves the professionalism of the FRESHEXPO team. It was a pleasure for our company to work with you. We are looking forward to further meaningful and fruitful cooperation!»
Vagonmash about cooperation at the EXPO 1520 exhibition
«Transneft Diascan, JSC has chosen FRESHEXPO as Partner for organizing participation in foreign exhibitions for its delegations. In 2016, FRESHEXPO successfully organized trips to the following international exhibitions: PECOM 2016 (Villahermosa, Mexico), IRAN OIL SHOW 2016 (Tehran, Iran), Middle East Petrotech 2016 (Manama, Bahrain), CASPIAN OIL & GAS 2016 (Baku, Azerbaijan), ONS 2016 (Stavanger, Norway), RIO OIL 7 GAS EXPO 2016 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), KIOGE 2016 (Almaty, Kazakhstan), ADIPEC 2016 (Abu Dhabi, UAE), OSEA 2016 (Singapore). It is worth pointing out that FRESHEXPO is distinguished with their high professionalism, responsibility, and attention to our needs.»
Transneft Diascan about cooperation with FRESHEXPO throughout the year
«During construction of an exhibition site for TVEMA, FRESHEXPO specialists displayed high responsibility, professionalism, and strong communication skills. Excellent design of our exhibition stand and its convenience for work were highly appreciated by our company management and received an excellent rating from exhibition organizers, guests, and participants.»
TVEMA about cooperation at the EXPO 1520 in Moscow
«We would like to express our gratitude to FRESHEXPO team for constructing an exhibition stand that was ranked first in «The Best Innovation Design» category at «Kazakhstan International Oil & Gas Exhibition–2014». We wish you success in reaching new heights in your business.»
Tyazhpromarmatura JSC about cooperation at KIOGE-2014
««Sumy NPO» PJSC is expressing sincere gratitude to FRESHEXPO specialists for professional construction of our exhibition stands at international trade shows: IRAN OIL SHOW, OGU, CASPIAN OIL&GAS, MIOGE, «Surgut. Oil and Gas», PCVEXPO. We hope that our cooperation will be just as productive and mutually beneficial in the future. »
Sumy Frunze NPO about cooperation at oil and gas exhibitions
«Ust-Kamenogorsk Valve Plant JSC is grateful to FRESHEXPO for professional and efficient construction of exhibition stands at international trade fairs. It was a pleasure to work with your team. Thank you for your creative approach, and clear vision of our design expectations! »
Ust-Kamenogorsk Valve Plant JSC about cooperation at KIOGE-2013 and WPC-2014
«Throughout the time of our cooperation on exhibition activities over the last five years, your company has proved to be the most reliable Partner and a professional who knows the job. Design projects of our exhibition stands have always been executed according to all our requirements, while you have always employed a creative approach and provided perfect custom-tailored service.»
Zorya-Mashproekt about cooperation during several years
«It is a pleasure to say that your team quickly and efficiently resolved all challenges, timely carried out your duties, and was attentive to our every wish. Design projects were successfully realized, our exhibition stands were unique, very convenient to use, and attracted attention of visitors and other participants.»
BTK Group about cooperation at BIOT expo