FRESHEXPO arranged participation for Uraltrubprom JSC (aka Urals Pipe Works) including the decoration of an individual show stand for the company.
This business event has a long history. Since 1894, this exhibition was successfully held twice a year under the name of Arab Oil & Gas Show, but in 2003 it got a new name — OGS.
Today OGS is one of the leading trade shows in the oil and gas Industry offering an opportunity to explore the latest technologies and equipment.
In 2011, over 140 companies took part in this exhibition and more than 9000 specialists of the industry visited this event.
Countries-partners of the exhibition: Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, China, Germany, Canada, Belgium, as well as regular participants — Russian and the Ukraine.
The international exhibition OGS has been held with the assistance of the UAE Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources form the day of its foundation.
The exhibition categories included:
- Drilling and drilling automation;
- Geology and geophysics;
- Methods of survey;
- Transportation of natural gas;
- Transportation of oil, refining;
- Pipeline accessories and fittings;
- Compressors, pumps;
- Mainlaying;
- Safety and security systems;
- Petrochemical products;
- Transport;

Uraltrubprom Exhibition Stand at OGS 2011
Custom build Exhibition Stands

Exhibition Stand at MIOGE 2011
Custom build Exhibition Stands

Saturn–Gas Turbines Exhibition Stand at POWER GEN EUROPE 2011
Custom build Exhibition Stands