PECOM has been strategically hosted in Villahermosa, the «Oil Capital of Mexico» since 1994. The event is supported by the national oil company and a number of state-owned and industrial associations and organizations of the country:
- Petroleum Engineers Association of Mexico (AIPM);
- Mexican Association of Geophysics & Exploration (AMGE);
- The Government of the State of Tabasco;
- Villahermosa City Council;
- Convention & Visitors Bureau of Tabasco.
FRESHEXPO specialists organized participation in PECOM-2016 exhibition for Transneft Diascan, JSC. We provided a full range of services to our Partner: exhibition stand booking and design, hotel assignment, transport for delegates, interpreting, and exhibition cargo shipping.
The event is expanding with each year. According to the organizers’ estimation, last year PECOM brought together over 6500 delegates from 18 countries. Over 200 industrial companies from 10 countries showcased their equipment, and at the conference 19 leading experts spoke.
This year’s event features a data room from Mexico’s regulator the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH).
“The CNH data room will be accessible to all companies participating in PECOM and will feature information being made available to businesses as well as briefings on the governing rules, such as contract administration, measurement, and opinions,” said Oscar Roldan, head of the national data repository, CNH. “PECOM is a very important event to Mexico’s oil and gas future and we are proud to be a continuing part of its success.”
PECOM-2016 Exhibition main sections:
- Oil and gas field exploration in Mexico, geophysical opportunities and a roadmap for the country development;
- Oil and gas drilling technologies;
- Process technologies;
- Transportation and logistics, pipelines;
- Liquid gas;
- Oil products and petrochemistry;
- Enterprise modernization and process automation;
- Occupational safety;
- Environment protection.
- New Technologies;
- Case Studies;
- Geophysical Challenges & Opportunities;
- Shallow & Deepwater Developments;
- Shale Developments;
- Drilling / Completion;
- Production Technology;
- Subsea Technologies;
- Market Trends and Strategies;
- Health & Safety / Environmental.
The featured keynote speakers on Wednesday include Georgina Trujillo, federal deputy and president of the Energy Commission of the LXIII Legislature, discussing the energy reform in hydrocarbons and the national and regional development. Following, Dr. Lourdes Melgar, Undersecretary of Hydrocarbons at Ministry of Energy, will cover the progress in the oil and gas sector of the Energy Reform.
A round table of experts from Geo Estratos, Compañía Petrolera Perseus, and Sierra Oil & Gas will discuss the vision of the new operators in exploration and production.
Eduardo Nuñez, managing partner and head of the energy and regulatory law practice for Núñez Rodríguez Abogados, S.C. will discuss how participants can get contracts with Mexico’s state-owned Pemex.
On 7 April, conference delegates will hear from keynote speakers Jose Antonio Escalera Alcocer, director of exploration, Pemex Exploration and Production; Carlos Morales, Petrobal general director, will examine on the type of oil and gas opportunities that will attract investments; Halliburton’s Mario Alejandro Mosqueda Thompson will discuss the future vision for process automation in the control of exploitation; Weatherford Mexico’s Leonardo Jimenez will speak about production optimization using Insert Progressing Cavity Pumps (I-PCP) and Hydraulic Equipment for Heavy Oilfields in Mexico.
The closing ceremony will kick off with a reception celebration inside the exhibit hall on Thursday evening.
Info by PECOM organizers and Melissa Sustaita from Offshore Engineer

Exhibition Stand at Gas. Oil. New Technologies – for Extreme North-2016
Custom build Exhibition Stands

POP UP display stand at Gas. Oil. New Technologies – for Extreme North 2016
Custom build Exhibition Stands

Plant Sibgazstroydetal Exhibition Stand at Oil.Gas.Energo 2016
Custom build Exhibition Stands