This event is traditionally held in the run-up to the Russian Federation Customs Officer's Day — on October 25.
FRESHEXPO developed and successfully realized a design project of a showstand for the federal partner of the exhibition FSUE Russian Post, 18 sq. m in area.
At the opening of the event, the words of welcome were spoken by the Vice-Premier of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov, who complimented the Federal Customs Service for well organized work during the Universiade in Kazan. Mr. Shuvalov also expressed his hope that the Customs will do their best at the Olimpic Games in Sochi to show flawless work results.
Today, the exhibition «Customs Service 2013» has become one of the most significant events in the industry and with each year the number of exponents and the exhibition area grows bigger and bigger. This year, the exhibition attracted about 120 exponents.
The exhibition «Customs Service 2013» is a perfect demonstration of progress gained by Customs, while representatives of business and government get a chance to sort out their priorities and plans for the future. The event offers a rich business program.

FSUE Russian Post Exhibition Stand at Customs Service 2013
Custom build Exhibition Stands

INTERPIPE Exhibition Stand at Caspian Oil & Gas 2013
Custom build Exhibition Stands

TechnoServ company Exhibition Stand at Sviaz Expocomm 2013
Custom build Exhibition Stands