- TECHNOTEX INDIA: International Exhibition & Conference on Technical Textile TECHNOTEXINDIA was held in India.
- PERU MODA: Peruvian exhibition for fashion industry PERU MODA demonstrates ready-made clothing, fashion salons and models, footwear, accessories and jewelry from local and foreign designers.
WORLD FOOD WARSAW: An international exhibition of food products and beverages took place in Warsaw, Poland.
CE CHINA: There has been a lot of media hype around the international exhibition for Consumer Electronics CE CHINA held in Shenzhen.
INTERSOLAR: The world's leading exhibition for the solar industry INTERSOLAR is turning 25 this year.
- HANNOVER MESSE: This week, a press conference was held to discuss the upcoming HANNOVER MESSE. In 2016, the fair will take place on 25 to 29 April. This year’s partner-country is the USA. The organizers promise over 5000 exhibits from 75 countries. The main subjects of the event are Integrated Industry and Industrial Automation.
- POWTECH: On 19 to 21 April, Germany held POWTECH 2016 exhibition – an International Trade Fair for Processing, Analysis, and Handling of Powder and Bulk Solids.
- CRANEXPO: On 19 to 21 April, the specialized Exhibition of Material-Handling Equipment CRANEXPO took place at 75th pavilion of VDNH in Moscow, Russia.
- DENTAL SALON: Crocus Expo fairgrounds in Moscow has seen the first-rate event on dental solutions — Moscow International Dental Forum & Exhibition DENTAL SALON 2016. The expo showcased innovative equipment, tools and materials for dental care, and brought together the best dentists, leaders of the industry and world’s top speakers. For four days, premium producers of the world were presenting all the latest achievements and developments in modern dentistry at the DENTAL SALON trade show. As a tradition, the exposition was accompanied by a unique business program.
- MEDICONEX: The 9th International Healthcare Exhibition for medical equipment and technologies was held in Cairo, Egypt.
- CMEF: At the China International Medical Equipment Fair CMEF in Shanghai (China), Rex Bionics presented its innovative exoskeleton. This hands-free and self-supporting robotic walking device is for those people who lost their ability to walk unassisted as a result of spinal cord injuries or some disease. The device is basically the automatically moving robotic «legs», which are fixed to the legs and lower body of a person usually moving around in a wheelchair. Without any outside help, the mechanism allows to raise and sit down, walk and even go up and down the stairs or on various sloping surfaces.
- NEFTEGAS: 700 Oil & Gas companies from 26 countries, including 400 Russian exhibitors, are participating in the international DENTAL SALON 2016 at Expocentre in Moscow. During the event, sponsors and partners of the exhibition were awarded with commemorative diplomas and gifts. Among the award recipients are an official sponsor of the exhibition — R&B INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY COMPANY, official partner of the exhibition — SLC Group; sponsor of the trade fair registration — NTA-Prom Ltd, sponsor of the evening reception — TARGIN, partners and sponsors of NEFTEGAS exhibition sections.
- GHANA OIL AND GAS SUMMIT: An international Oil & Gas exhibition is taking place in Ghana right on these days.
- ONS: Organizers have published the program of a conference planned as part of ONS exhibition that will be held in Stavanger on 29 August to 01 September.
TRANSRUSSIA: On 19–22 April, Moscow hosted the International Exhibition for Transport, Logistics, and Technologies TRANSRUSSIA. The exhibition brought together over 300 transport companies from 27 countries offering transportation of goods for manufacturers and traders. TransRussia 2016 presented 7 national pavilions for companies from Kazakhstan, Belarus, Germany, Finland, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania.
These and other news are posted in our groups on Facebook and Twitter. Sign up for our newsletters in Instagram.
Dear exhibition contractors and trade show center representatives! All information published in our news section is taken from public sources – from official sites and social network accounts. Please, send your updates and corrections at our email, we are open for partnership.
Trade Shows by Theme: Medicine, Pharmaceutics, Oil, Gas, Petrochemistry, Food and Beverage, Transport and Logistics, Energy

Rosdiler Electro Exhibition Stand at Ecwatech 2016
Custom build Exhibition Stands

Catherine Exhibition Stand at InterCHARM PROFESSIONAL 2016
Custom build Exhibition Stands

Exhibition Stand at Gas. Oil. New Technologies – for Extreme North-2016
Custom build Exhibition Stands