Without any doubt, the biggest industrial event in 2014 is Russian Transport Week held at Gostiny Dvor.
The program of this event includes a whole range of meetings, forums and conferences at summit level including representatives of Russian President's Administration, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Russian Railways and other stakeholders.
Among the issues planned for discussion are ways of improving transport safety and security, transportation arrangement, and political, economic, technical and scientific aspects of developing transport network in Russia. TranspART Festival and Russian Spartakiad Games of Transport University Students will unleash the creative potential of the younger generation employed in the industry.
Last year, exhibition stands of 80 companies from 15 countries were visited by 7,000 people.

As you remember, in late September the 10th Transport Exhibition Innotrans 2014 starts in Berlin. It offers an extensive business and exhibition program with a unique open-air vehicle exposition. Hundreds of world presentations of innovation technologies and equipment are timed to this exhibition.
Innotrans 2014 is held every two years and with each time it is progressing in both the number of participants and the quality of expositions. In 2012, it attracted 2,515 companies from 49 countries on the total area of 81,171 sq. m.

8 September, 2014, Moscow — The international exhibition centre Crocus Expo is opening an exhibition on logistic technologies for managing transport flows.
Last year, the exhibition area totaled 4,730 sq. m and attracted 5,000 specialists from 27 countries. This year, a number of conferences and workshops planned for the whole period of Interlogistika 2014 will discuss pressing issues of optimizing fright traffic processes and decreasing risks.

23–26 September, 2014, Moscow — Crocus Expo is also hosting the 6th International Exhibition for materials handling, warehousing equipment and logistics CeMAT Russia 2014. On the exhibition stands you can actually see samples of equipment.
According to last year statistics, exhibition stands of 150 companies from 15 countries took the total area of over 9,000 sq. m. CeMAT Russia 2014 was visited by 4,740 people from 30 countries. Exhibition sections include: Pick & Pack, Move & Lift, Store & Load, Logistics IT, and Manage & Service.

21–24 October, 2014, Moscow — Expocentre is also hosting an exhibition for logistics —
the 21st Storage. Transportation. Logistics’2014 International Exhibition. Last year, over 5,600 specialists visited this trade show. A hundred participating companies presented their expositions on 8,498 sq. m. Exhibition sections included: warehousing, transportation technologies and logistics solutions, IT, communications, navigation, cross-border logistics, services.
A vast business program of the event will include conferences, round-table discussions, master classes and INNOSKLAD forum.
There will also be held a few important events for transport and logistics industry in the regions of Russia. These trade shows reveal the potential of Russia's large industrial regions which draw attention of investors and equipment manufacturers.

SibComak/SibStroyExpo is organised in Novosibirsk by ITE Group.
This international exhibition is for construction and road building machinery, equipment and technologies, housing and communal services, power engineering and ecology. Last time, this exhibition attracted 79 companies and 2,942 visitors.

9–11 October, 2014, Yekaterinburg
Sections of the Ural region transport industry exhibition UralComTrans 2014: municipal and commercial transportation, wheel-vehicle mechanics, fitting railway and bus stations with Smart City systems, transport safety, logistics services, railroad infrastructure, individual transport, maintenance.
- DORTRANSEXPO – exhibition for road construction, equipment and maintenance in Kazan
- MOTEK – international trade fair for automation in production and assembly in Stuttgart
- EXPOCITYTRANS – international exhibition of public transport at VDNKh
- TRANSTECH – conference for the development of navigation and ports
- GULF TRAFFIC – exhibition for road, public transport and parking industries in Dubai.
JOIN IN 2015:
- NAVITECH – exhibition for navigation systems, technologies and services at Expocentre in Moscow
- ELECTROTRANS – exhibition for electric transport at Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Centre.
- PLANS OF EXHIBITIONS – a full list of exhibitions for all industries in 2014–2015 as a Word document.
Trade Shows by Theme: Transport and Logistics

Exhibition Stand at WPC 2014
Custom build Exhibition Stands

Vagonmash Exhibition Stand at TRANSCASPIAN 2014
Custom build Exhibition Stands

Sibmost Exhibition Stand at Transport Week 2013
Custom build Exhibition Stands