The FRESHEXPO specialists have organized participation in the exhibition of a return customer, the GP NPLG Zorya - Mashproekt, including the stand design and mementos.
For another frequenter customer, ZAO Sibgazstroidetal' factory, our specialists have designed and successfully mounted the exhibit booth. Despite limited area, the booth is fitted out with all what is necessary to effectively participate in the OGU 2017 - the company business and product information, reception desk, negotiation area, and a lovely floral arrangement.
The Oil and Gas of Uzbekistan 2017 success key factors are the annual participation of 75% of repeat exhibitors, the state structures official support, the ample exhibition area, and the branch experts prevailing as interested visitors.
The exhibition agenda includes the two-day international conference “Oil and Gas of Uzbekistan” to be held in the Atrium hall of the exhibition complex, which is planned as an integral part of the OGU. At present it is the most prestigious congress ground in Uzbekistan for the industry community intercourse.
The exhibition is annular since 1996.
In 2017 it takes place through May 19.
Trade Shows by Theme: Oil, Gas, Petrochemistry

Sibgazstroydetal exhibition stand in OGU-2017
Custom build Exhibition Stands

Salvagnini exhibition stand at Metalloobrabotka-2017
Custom build Exhibition Stands

SARIA Exhibition Stand at MVC: Cereals – Mixed Feed – Veterinary 2017
Custom build Exhibition Stands